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Sunday, July 18, 2010

2gb shuffle

2GB Shuffle Tips

We're all busy people so let's cut to the chase, shall we? Read this review of the original second-generation iPod 2gb shuffle.

Done? Great. That pretty well sums up the current 1GB and iPod 2gb shuffle. Here are the two differences between the previous shuffle and the new 2gb shuffle model.

Besides the increased capacity and lower price, nothing has changed with the iPod 2gb shuffle.

And the things that remain the same that are worth repeating from the original second-generation iPod 2gb shuffle?

Apple claims that the iPod 2gb shuffle will play for up to 12 hours. In a continuous-playing test my iPod 2gb shuffle played non-stop for 17 hours and 5 minutes.

With 2GB of capacity, the dainty 2gb shuffle can act both as a music player and handy portable storage device. To use it as the latter you need the diminutive dock bundled with 2gb shuffle. The 2gb shuffle can't be attached to your computer without it.

Were Apple overly influenced by Pottery Barn catalogs, it might describe the five shuffle hues as iron, sky, celery, lavender, and pinot. Thankfully, Apple's not. You can pick from among sliver, blue, green, purple, and PRODUCT red iPod 2gb shuffle.

The iPod 2gb shuffle is not the ideal destination for podcasts and audiobooks. To move these varieties of audio files to your 2gb shuffle. you must select them in the iTunes Source list and drag them to the 2gb shuffle. To play them in order, you must flip the iPod's aptly-named "Shuffle/Play in Order" switch to Play in Order.

I played my iPod 2gb shuffle through a variety of headphones and speaker systems and the quality of the audio 2gb shuffle is just fine. It's not the highest-fidelity iPod I've ever owned but its output is completely listenable and if you like your music loud, the shuffle can deliver it.

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