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Friday, August 20, 2010

Personal mp3 player

Personal mp3 player Review

Personal mp3 player have been around for several years, but are still a relatively new technology that is being applied to an old idea: "I want music of my choice in my life, now matter where I go and what I'm doing" MP3 players are a new twist on an old idea The story of the popularity boom of Personal mp3 player starts over 50 years ago.

Personal mp3 player is a device that lets people listen to thousands of their favorite songs or play favorite videos (depending on the MP3 player) without having to carry a heavy "boom box."

People used to have to carry a CD player, cram all the CD's they could in a bag and strap it on their shoulder. Ease of transportation has increased the MP3 players' popularity today. It can play music, show videos, even have alarms and calendar functions. Personal MP3 players can also be attached to a phone with Internet service.

Our older generation never had the privilege as teenagers to listen to their favorite music wherever they went, while teenagers have that advantage today.

The first Personal mp3 player ever released was September 9, 1995. Its popularity increased with Nullsoft's audio player Winamp in 1997 along with the audio player mpg123. In 1999 Napster created larger, better MP3 players but eventually had to be shut down because their new MP3 player caused widespread copyright infringement.

When major record companies started arguing that free sharing of music (called music piracy) caused fewer sales, they pursued lawsuits making Napster shut down. Many retailers tried to keep people from buying the music files but in doing so, the Digital Rights Movement was created. Later some authorized services, such as Beatport, Bleep, Juno Records and eMusic began selling unrestricted music in MP3 format, thus spreading personal MP3 players all over in different stores.

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