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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Waterproof Headphones

Good Waterproof Headphones

There is nothing like having cool and soothing music to pick your spirits up while on the road or while you are doing some heavy exercise. With the onset of waterproof headphones, nowadays it is possible to use your music devices even when in the water. Aquapac waterproof headphones are suitable to these kinds of needs.

A perfect accompaniment to a waterproof MP3 player case, waterproof headphones will solve all of these problems, and there are several types available.

Current technology can produce very high quality waterproof headphones speakers by changing the materials used and modifying the design slightly to accommodate for the different weights of the material, however this is more difficult with earphones, where the size and weight restrictions are severely limited. Furthermore, waterproof headphones speakers are designed to sit in one place, and are not usually designed to be submersible, though underwater speakers are available, they are very expensive.

So the question remains, is it possible to produce a good sound from fully submersible, lightweight and compact headphones? Sound travels differently through air than it does through water, so the easiest way to get a good sound is to keep the water out. Full-sized headphones are therefore not good candidates for waterproofing, since it would be very difficult to keep all the water out. In-ear types, which have flexible plastic or rubber seals help to keep the water out, and offer a better sound.

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